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The ophthalmology department focuses on maintaining and improving the health of your pet's eyes and vision and alleviating associated pain. We offer comprehensive medical and surgical consultation and treatment for the diseases of the eye, eyelids and orbit. Sometimes eyes are our first indication of a systemic disease such as cancer or a systemic inflammatory disease.

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About our department:

Common ophthalmological conditions in referred dogs and cats include:

  • Perceived cataracts

  • Glaucoma

  • Retinal diseases

  • Severe injuries

  • Cancer of the eye

Ophthalmologists are stunningly effective at getting pets to hold still for eye examination, but occasionally sedation may be helpful. Detailed ophthalmic examination includes visual examination assisted by various specialized imaging devices, and intraocular pressure testing. If the eye examination raises concern for possible related systemic illness, additional diagnostics will be recommended.


Common surgical procedures include:

  • Cataract surgery

  • Correction of eyelid abnormalities

  • Corneal repair procedures

  • Implants for glaucoma 

Availability and referrals:

Summit’s veterinary ophthalmology department sees patients 4 days per week and is available for direct referral of sick patients for consultation. Pets experiencing truly emergent symptoms are admitted through our ER with in-house ophthalmology support as indicated.

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